I Moved Your Cheese: For People That Refuse to Live as Mice in Another Person's Maze (Bk Business) [Kindle Edition] price

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"Every once in a very while a magazine comes along that enables you to question the way in which things are. This will be the book. Deepak Malhotra allows that you glimpse a arena of your personal making with no limits and barriers that others create. An excellent read."
--Stephen R. Covey, author of The 7 Habits of Successful People and The Leader in Me
"A magnificent story using a powerful message. As someone that has encouraged scores of professionals into breaking over the maze and defining their unique pursuits, I find this being a gem of a book. A must-read."
--Vinod Khosla, cofounder and former CEO and Chairman, Sun Microsystems, and founder, Khosla Ventures
"Deepak Malhotra tackles our assumptions about business and life with humor, zest, and wisdom within this delightful fable. If you have ever rankled with the looked at being just another mouse within the maze, this really is the ebook for you."
--Daniel H. Pink, author of Drive and a Whole New Mind
"An excellent book with sound lessons on the way to change our circumstance and create new realities in our personal and professional lives."
--Deepak Chopra, Adjunct Professor, Kellogg School of Management, and coauthor of War from the Worldviews
"A book which will inspire the imagination of mice and managers. A formula for breaking out with the maze and creating new realities in life and in business."
--Barry Nalebuff, Milton Steinbach Professor, Yale School of Management; cofounder, Honest Tea; and coauthor of Thinking Strategically, The Art of Strategy, and Why Not?
With over twenty-five million copies in print, Who Moved My Cheese? has become a phenomenon. It does offer some reasonable advice about adapting to change. It’s certainly true that some from the events shaping us are beyond our control, and rather than struggling against them we must adapt and move on. But also for all its good intentions, it ultimately advises us to unquestioningly accept our circumstances without exploring any possible alternatives—like mice in a maze mindlessly chasing after cheese.I Moved Your Cheese takes some other reason for view while offering an alternative approach. Harvard Business School professor and bestselling author Deepak Malhotra tells an inspiring story about a fresh generation of mice who commence to challenge assumptions and get important questions. Rather than just accepting their situation and dutifully chasing the cheese, Max, Zed, and Big begin looking deeper, examining and reassessing what they’ve been told are their limitations, and hang in the market industry to chart a fresh course.Innovation, entrepreneurship, creativity, problem solving, and business growth— too as personal growth—depend around the capability to challenge accepted notions, reshape the environment, and play by way of a different set of rules: our own. We're not powerless to alter our circumstances. We can control our destiny. By ana- lyzing our assumptions in relation to the limitations we manage to face, we can, like Max, Zed, and Big, discover the way to overcome them. But first we have to see the ways we unknowingly hold ourselves back. As Zed explains to Max, “The problem just isn't that this mouse is inside the maze but that this maze is in the mouse.”

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