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Price: $269.95 & this item ships for FREE with Super Saver Shipping. Details
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Climb to new heights while wearing the Hunter Usa hiking boot. This waterproof hiking boot from Kayland sports a synthetic lining and soft, comfortable glove leather collar to cushion your foot. It provides maximum protection with a durable one-pieces oiled suede upper that minimizes seams and a Vibram Fuora 2 outsole that defends against wear and tear. Lace up this boot, hit the trails and prevent worrying about your foot.
Engineered in Italy, Kayland’s passion for mountains and also the outdoors comes your in their high-performance footwear. Whatever type of outdoor shoe you could need, whether it be for mountaineering, backpacking, hiking, trail-running, or all-around m
Vibram sole
eVent waterproof liner lets the sweat out
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